Deploy Your Full Stack App in Minutes

Ship your web projects to the cloud faster and more efficiently with Kinsta’s Platform as a Service. Benefit from a fair, usage-based pricing model, no price per seats, no infrastructure to manage, and no system to update.

How To Deploy an Application

  1. Connect your GitHub, Bitbucket, or GitLab repository.
  2. Select branch, specify your build environment and start command.
  3. Deploy manually or automatically on commit.

Kinsta Works With

Or bring your own Dockerfile to host almost anything.
Browse quick starts in our documentation or see their GitHub repos.

Speed, Security, and a Fair Pricing Model

Your projects will run on Google Cloud Platform’s top-tier infrastructure and be backed by Cloudflare’s enterprise-grade security measures.

Top CPU Machines

Google’s best C2 machines paired with their fastest Premium Tier network for highest performance. All powered by Kubernetes Engine.

Automated Security

Cloudflare’s firewall and DDoS protection/mitigation keep malicious actors at bay. Benefit from isolated container technology with private networks between each.

Concurrent Builds

Many web hosts lock you into one build per account. With Kinsta you can trigger unlimited, even concurrent builds.


Scale by manually launching multiple pods of the same application. Or, give your pods more power to complete resource-intensive tasks.

Kinsta API

Work more efficiently with our platform using our REST API to quickly retrieve data, perform actions, make deployments, or automate workflows.

Web Terminal

Enable command-line access to your app’s container. Read files, manually run scripts, debug issues, or do application performance monitoring.

Cron Jobs

Save time by automating repetitive tasks. Schedule background processes at any interval. Stop your Cron job pod/s to have full control over your costs.

Unlimited Users

Add unlimited users at no extra cost. Assign company administrators, company developers, and company billing to keep your projects running smoothly.


Kinsta uses Cloudflare to provide free HTTPS certificates for every domain deployed. You can also bring and install your own SSL certificates.

Deploy Anywhere

Select the region that works closest to your users. Choose from 25 data centers. Coming soon, customers can also benefit from Kinsta CDN, with more than 260+ points of presence (PoPs).

Data Centers (25)
CDN Locations (260)
Locations of Google Cloud data centers on a world map

Dedicated Databases

Easily add one or multiple databases to your application. All dedicated databases come with internal connections for the best possible performance. And, they have no row count limits or query count limits.

Screenshot: Persistent Storage User Interface on MyKinsta

Persistent Storage

Host a stateful app by adding persistent storage that your application can read or write to just like a local disk. Use it for web processes or background processes.

  • Specify a mount path
  • Choose your disk size, 10 GB to 1 TB
  • Upgrade your size at any time

Start Your Free Trial

24/7/365 Support from Kinsta Experts

Get technical support from Kinsta experts in under 2 minutes. No ticket system or tiered support. Only useful and in real-time replies.

Included with all plans and services

97% satisfaction rate

Available in English, Spanish, French, Italian, and Portuguese

MyKinsta Dashboard

Add and manage your apps (as well as databases and Managed WordPress sites) all in one dashboard.

See Pricing

Calculate Your Costs

Kinsta vs Competitors

Unlike with our competitors, get access to premium tools across all tiers.
Unrestricted Support 24/7YesNoNoNoNoNo
99.9% Uptime SLA in all TiersYesYesNoNoNo
data centers
data centers
InfrastructureGCPOwnGCP, Azure, AWSGCP, AWSAWSGCP
Enterprise-Level Cloudflare DDoS ProtectionYesNoNoYesNo
Unlimited Free UsersYesYesNoNoNoNo
Concurrent Build LimitsUnlimited1 per serviceUp to 300

Our Customers Love Us

Customers love us for our commitment to cutting-edge technology, improving the developer experience, and expert support.


How are resources calculated in Application Hosting?

Each application pod has a redefined amount of CPU cycles, RAM, and build time. You’re billed for the use of these resources.

How does the free trial work?

Sign up for any of Kinsta’s Application Hosting tiers and you’ll automatically join our free trial. The free trial is limited to $20 in server resources and is applicable only to your first month of hosting.

Do you have an API?

Yes, Kinsta has a REST API allowing you to access and interact with your Applications, Databases, or WordPress sites without using the MyKinsta dashboard.

Do you offer persistent storage for hosting stateful applications?

Yes, on the MyKinsta control panel you can create an application and attach a disk to it for storing persistent data in a file system. Please note:

  • Any application without an attached disk is stateless, meaning all data will be erased when you redeploy, restart, or shut down the application. No user data is retained.
  • You can see persistent storage pricing options here.
  • Persistent storage is also sometimes called: non-volatile storage, persistent disk storage, persistent data, or persistent volume.
How does billing work?

With Application Hosting or Database Hosting, pay only for the server resources you used at the end of each monthly billing cycle. These services are prorated to the second and postpaid.

Can you host static sites?

Yes. We will continue to add full static site features in the future. For now, you can deploy these types of static sites from GitHub to our Application Hosting platform. We even have a sample GitHub repository to fork or use as a guide.

Ready To Try Kinsta?

Try out your app on a full-featured live server. Start your free trial of Application Hosting.